Thursday, May 14, 2009

Work (Stripping) in Progress

Good morning. Before I HAVE TO start packing here at our apartment, I thought I'd update some photos from the last two days.
Here's the kitchen floor underneath the two layers of lenoleum. I have to say they weren't as bad as you might think. Sadly the original wood floor beneath cannot be saved... so eventually we may want to tile (No! More work!) or something.

Joe completed ripping the large upstair bathroom. He described the orange carpeting as "Toby the Cat" and it's all gone. Again, we cannot reveal the floor underneath efficiently, so the final flooring for this room will have to be determined. (We're NOT tiling, are we? Maybe?) Meantime, this bare plywood floor beats the thick shag carpeting! And from there, Joe worked his way out in the small hallway and down the stairs, ripping the carpeting. Ambitious!!
Since we knew underneath the carpeting was the beautiful original wood floor in the dining room, Joe eagerly started ripping, skipping the living room. This floor will look very nice when finished, sanded and varnished. Our conclusion: Back in the 70s, they really didn't want to see wood, I mean real wood, in the house... unless it's FAKE wood. What were they thinking?? More stripping to be continued... yes, tonight after work.
P.S. We promise to take some pictures of the house outside soon.

1 comment:

  1. Look at the cool tub! So Joe, you're saying your bathroom carpet was a Charlie (my cat) color. haha The stairs are nice! It will look beautiful after you're done with it. Lookin' good guys! Working so hard!
