Friday, May 15, 2009

Disastrous Areas

Here's a picture of the disastrous area (our apartment).
And here's an outside picture of another disastrous area (our new house). It doesn't show any signs of destruction (ripping and stripping) inside.


  1. I love your new house guys! You have a nice porch area and everything! I can see you guys sipping beer on the porch in the summer. :-)

    Yup, moving is tough....It feels like never ending packing and then unpacking and organizing...I feel your pain. But it will all be worth it! Gambatte~!

  2. Thanks for the picture of the house!! I love the white and like ym said, i could see both of you guys (and me? lol) on the porch shipping on some beers...

    Good luck with the moving! It's a pain in butt, but you guys will be just fine!
