Friday, May 29, 2009

Inside Out

Today we had a beautiful sunny day, though the temperature was barely 60 degrees. I took advantage of the warm sunshine.And I figured it was good time to take some pictures of outside. Here's our grape vine patch in the back yard. We are anxious to know what kind of grapes they are. I'll definitely have to make grape jelly. In the photo you are seeing the hill that we own.Some tulips in front of the house. We moved in to enjoy them in time.Finally, here're photos of our somewhat settled living room and bedroom.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, your house looks great Kayo-chan and Joe! A nice backyard to hang your laundry and tons of wall space to decorate with Kayo's artwork. Can't believe how quick you guys settled in! The place looks like you've been there a while already. You guys are so good. :-)
