Sunday, May 31, 2009


We think our photos leave out lots of "real" chaotic details, funny later but bloody painful at the time kind of stuff. Mostly what Joe encounters upon fixing something. (Yes, there are no polite words to describe what this #!#$#! house puts me thru on a daily basis.)
Only a couple of examples here: After we had helpers for moving and had to remove the front door off the hinges,(to get stuff thru the door, on account we have narrow doors,31 inches is the widest.) Joe had to reseat the door hinges... someone put it back almost right, but not quite. When Joe was fighting with the door, somebody was blaring country music (his least favorite). He almost put a for-sale sign on the house!! Another time when he figured it would take half an hour to change locks on four doors, well, ...after two hours of chiseling, pounding, shimming, cussing, swearing, more shimming, and chiseling, he got all four doors working, locked for the night. Joe waited a couple of days before he even tried hooking up his own TV and PS3. (Just in case they decided to fight with me too.)
This evening Joe just hooked up his old stereo system with record player in the living room. Not too shabby. Sounds pretty good. It's even better we have no neighbors sharing thin walls like at our old apartment. Yeah so I can play my old Zepplin and Doors and AC/DC as loud as my ears will take. It definetly brings back alot of good memories as well as paving the way for a whole boatload of new ones too. Currently we're listening to some GNR, it sounds really good. And the nice part about setting up my old stereo system is that it didn't fight with me too much. Kayo mentioned how neat the set up looked. On one side of my tv sits my PS3 and on the other is my old almost antique receiver and record player sitting on an old milk crate with my albums underneath. Kayo says we need a disco ball now. Maybe. But I don't have any disco albums.
The reason we took the front door off its hinges was to get our box spring in the house and up the stairs. It was a VERY tight fit. I was in front of the box spring pulling for all I was worth and my cusin Al was on the bottom pushing for all he was worth. It was one of those 1,2,3 heave. We finally did get it upstairs after about a half hour of heaving and a wee bit o swearing and one permanently dinged piece of wood trim on the ceiling. It's almost not noticeable. I think if and when we ever sell this house the boxspring will go with it. Because I really don't want to take the door off the hinges again. Or to try getting the boxsping back down the stairs.


  1. Aaahh, sounds like the experience we had trying to get our sofa into the apartment. We broke the screen, ended up taking the door off and still couldn't get it to push through! We actually had to bring the sofa around the house to the other door and it finally fit...gosh, that was an experience. Now we have a sad looking back door with tape covering the big rip on the screen...(and Charlie is doing a job with his nails on our front door screen too) sigh*

  2. "what the #$!?" is the word I would expect came out of Joe's mouth.... LOL
