Monday, May 18, 2009

Paint, Paint, Paint

It turns out that I (Kayo) am allergic to our new house. By ripping up the old carpeting, we definitely stirred up all the mold trapped underneath. Today I had to work all day, so I decided to take a break from the house and did a couple loads of laundry instead. And I wanted to post some new photos of the house, too.
This weekend we started painting... painting the whole house (inside). Walls and ceiling. Luckly we had many helpers for the big job. With Joe's big family and cousin, plus Phil & Judy (oh, and Ginger who left some white paw prints on the floor), we went through 15 gallons of primer alone, to cover decades of smoking. It was neccessary.No more dark paneling. No more purple... though we still call that room "purple room," aka "Barney room." Well, in case you are wondering where are Kayo's funky colors? here's our kitchen. You have no idea how many WOW's I got for my color choice! I think (and hope) once the pink (Mexican chili) wall gets decorated with all my chilipepper stuff/ art pieces, it will look more normal, ever slightly.


  1. Hey, we like your pink kitchen Kayo. I knew your house would be full of color and lots of fun! Matt said "Cool!" too. It reminded him of the Adobe clay houses in the SouthWest, which is true! It'll look great with your chilipepper stuff. :-)

  2. I can't wait to come and cook in that pink wall kitchen someday!
