Monday, May 11, 2009

Purple No More...

After only a few days of our home ownership, we've realized how exhausting it really is to own a house. There're lots to do and lots to think about, though it's fun and exciting at the same time. I (Kayo) had to work all weekend and only spent a couple of hours on Saturday evening at our new house. I peeled off all the sticky shelving paper from the kitchen cabinet for a starter. Joe on the other hand spent lots more time in our new house. He first ripped the thin blue carpeting in his toy room (downstairs), then finished ripping the PURPLE shag in our bedroom by the end of Saturday. You've got to see the purple room! Joe said it was like they killed Barney and put in the blender and smeared it all over.There's no other way to describe it, really. But that Barney purple carpet is all gone, except for a small chunk about a foot square for our keepsake! And Joe got rid of the ugly linoleum too, only revealing pine wood planks. Joe was very ambitious to even start ripping another big shagged room- the upstair bathroom, a big one. Not purple, but orange. You know I love orange, but not that much in shag, in bathroom. So, this week we continue ripping!!


  1. Barnie purple! lol I like purple too, but maybe not as a carpet color. haha I see you guys are hard at work already! Remodeling is hard work but so fun to see the rooms transform into something nice. Will Kayo be choosing the colors for the walls? :-)

  2. Wow! Good job on the ripping! I want to see the picture of your house from outside too! Is it closer to your apartment (have you guys already moved?)?

    Anyway, I got your b-day card yesterday in the mail. Thank you!! I love the tree you drew (or you call it "print"). I wonder what was your feeling when you drew it.... Thank you again!! (I also love the comment Joe made on the card, haha!)
