Saturday, May 2, 2009

Fish in the Fridge!

I (Kayo) had to work for a few hours today, so Joe and his dad left before 8 a.m. for fishing their favorite Apple Creek. This being their first attempt this year, Joe had to clear the trail with his proud machete... he just loves swinging that thing like he were Indiana Jones in jungle (without his hat)!
Anyway, when I came home from work, he was gone to see a scary (not for Kayo) movie. In fact, I'm updating this fishing blog without him, wishing he would have taken some photos of actual fishermen in action. There was a note on the kitchen table telling me to look inside the fridge. There I found a nice 14" German Brown (one kind of trout) that Joe's dad had caught!! I guess that's a good enough proof of their fishing adventure... I wish I had been there... but then they might say I (Kayo) am the bad luck charm!

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo~! First trout of the season! Congrats Joe (and Mr Haara!)
