Monday, January 25, 2010

Butchering Party

It's Monday, and I was home all day... almost alone. Every time I went down in the basement, I was greeted by Joe's deer, hung upside down.
Tonight we had Joe's dad over first for dinner (pot stickers and spicy pork curry), then to finish skinning and butchering the deer. It was actually Joe's first time ever to butcher a deer. Hey, it was my first time watching it, too! I stayed upstairs while they cut off his head. After Joe's dad sectioned the parts, Joe helped trim and take off any fat and connective tissues. Lots of work, bloody back-killing work (actually not so bloody as you might think). The pool table gave them a good surface to work on, but not quite high enough.
I kept my hands clean, only bagging and packaging the assorted venison meat (and taking these pictures). The next step is to grind the meat in plastic bags... some gets turned into burgers and meatballs, and the rest hopefully into sausages. We are all new to sausage making... so it'll be an adventure.

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