Sunday, January 3, 2010

Godzilla Taking Down the Japan Room!

It was just past midnight on New Years Day that Joe walked into our Japan room and found its wall bleeding. BLEEDING! It turned out to be stale nicotine-colored water oozing through the wall. The good news was that our house wasn't haunted. Well, the bad news is that Joe has lots of work to do this summer. He cannot avoid going up on the roof.
On this third day of the new year, Joe (Godzilla) decided to take down the Japan room! No, that's how Joe felt like attacking the problem. Instead he patiently took out all the soft wet plaster to expose the mystery of the problem.
As far as we can see, it's caused by the lack of insulation and the ice build-up around the chimney. Unfortunately the fixing has to wait till summer... 6 months from now!
For those who wanted to see snow, here's a picture from our back door. We live for such pretty winter months up here, but winter can cause some grief for the house!

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