Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Day Dinner

Since I (Kayo) had to work today, we took it easy last night.... We played a couple rounds of pool (we still suck) and watched "Kill Bill vol. 1" on DVD, and then toasted with a shot of sake at midnight.
Tonight, we kept the Japanese theme for our New Year's Day dinner: buckwheat noodle (soba) in soup. Besides our new sake set, we also used our new bowls and fish-shaped chopstick rests that we got for Christmas. Our table looks very Japanese!!Warm sake and the big bowl of hot soup were perfect for the cold night. The outside temp was already down to single digit and continuing to drop.... Tomorrow's high is expected to be only 6. Brrrrrrr.
I almost forgot to mention that Joe spent good three hours outside today. A Menards gift card got us a roof rake, and Joe had to rake snow/ice off the roof to avoid any further damage from the ice building up and getting underneath the shingles and melting, and water running down the walls.... Not how he wanted to spend his New Year's Day... but he's getting down to the core of the whole problem: poor insulation. The insulation in the attic was essential to lower our heating bills. Now, we need to solve those reoccurring ice damages that our previous owners seem to have suffered but didn't fix effectively. A new year resolution for the house!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year Haara's!!!!!!
    The nikujyaga and soba looks really good!!
    Love the bowls, the atsukan sake set, and hashioki too. :-)
    Us Matsumotos are eating and drinking our new years away too. haha
    Kotoshimo yoroshikune~!!
