Monday, January 4, 2010

Snow, Snow, Snow!!!

School and work went back to normal today. That means our street gets plowed early in the morning and that Joe has to get up earlier to snowblow our driveway before work. Well, guess what? Just as he was finishing up this morning, his snow thrower quit driving forward or backward. Great! Another trouble.
On my day off I tried to scoop and shovel some snow. At least to clear the path for our mail lady. But snow just kept coming down... all day and all evening. We've had snow everyday in this new year so far. Nice fluffy snow, though. After dinner Joe went right to work on his snow thrower. It still ran fine. It just didn't engage to drive itself forward or backward. He found a broken bolt that had fallen off.Now Joe needed a replacement. No luck finding one in his tool boxes. So we drove down to Joe's parents' house where he was sure to find one. He had taken apart one too many snow throwers, snow mobiles, and alike. Joe found a replacement, the right one. I can hear his snow thrower running up and down our driveway right now. Good job, Mr. He Can Fix (Almost) Anything.
While Joe was fixing the snow thrower, I went out again to scoop some more snow that had fallen since this morning. It didn't look like I had shoveled at all. And it's still snowing! Look how high the snow level is, well above my hip.
Oh, and did I mention that it's still snowing!!! (I still love snow, too.)


  1. Hi guys! Enjoying the photos of your winter wonderland! Your house looks so cute covered in snow. Just like your card! Makes me want to warm up by a fireplace and drink hot chocolate. :-)

  2. a fireplace was definitely on our list of things we wanted to have with a house (more so for Joe, the firebug). but our house came with a garage, basement, and two bathrooms. we can't complain... though we really wish we had a fireplace in winter!
