Saturday, January 16, 2010

Happy Heikki Lunta!

We've had enough snow to deal with, but this weekend we get to enjoy it. Our little town is celebrating its annual Heikki Lunta (Finnish winter festival). And the weather for a change turned out to be gorgeous. This is why we live up north. We briefly checked out our local trail this afternoon. We gotta go back to play in snow many times this winter....We invited Joe's cousin and his family over for what could be most non-Finnish dinner tonight. We had chicken fajita and margarita!! Joe once again did a fantastic job on the grill to compliment everything I made and prepped in the kitchen, from Spanish rice, black bean salsa, to guacamole. Not hardly any leftovers... the dinner must have been good!
The highlight of the evening was the firework display over the FROZEN Teal Lake. The best part was we could watch it from our front porch. Here's Patrick bundled up (and Olivia as our lively reporter in the following video). Note: please have a couple of margarita before watching the video to get a full effect!

Here's a picture of our kitchen counter after the party... after 2 batches of margarita and 2 batches of hurricane. A very good time. (Oh yeah, and the fireworks.)While I was doing the dishes, Joe picked up a small mess 2 small guests left. The kids loved Joe's prize stuffed animals, one of which now needed a "medic." First, Joe vacuumed scattered styrofoam beads.
Then he stitched Froggy together as a "medic." Every one is back in one piece. Now we say "good night."


  1. wow, Joe can stich too?!?! Good job, man! He is a true "handyman!!"

  2. joe says "why? did you think i was just a pretty face?"
    whatever!! but he does come "handy" so very often.
