Saturday, June 27, 2009

Apple Creek

It's Saturday and Kayo had a day off! But instead of sleeping in, we actually got up earlier than workdays and went fishing with Joe's dad. We must say it was worth getting up early. Yeah, the pictures below speak themselves. Nope, I (Kayo) didn't catch those nice trout. Joe and his dad let me carry and hold them like I caught them. But I caught several little trout on this trip. Very exciting. The best part was that I didn't lose any of my lures. Pretty good. My casting skills are getting better too.
Fresh fish for dinner tonight. Probably on the grill. While I took a shower, Joe cleaned the fish and had to go back outside to PLAY with his *weedwacker. Just picture one of those ugly monsters from the movie "Fifth Element" shooting up a spaceship (sunglasses included). That's Joe mowing grass.
*There's a really good story about the weedwacker that Joe has to post sometime soon. He LOVES his new toy!

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, boys and their power tools. You should she Matt's eye sparkle when we go to the hardware store (not so much at the department store...)

    Trout is so good on the grill. My dad used to catch in Tennessee and we'd wrap them in foil and kinda steam cook them on the grill. Soooo good, yum!

    You guys should see MY casting skills! I'm awesome! I'd swing the fishing pole full force and the hook would just fall straight down in front of my face! I love fishing but not so good at it.......
