Monday, June 8, 2009

The Neighborhood

It's cold and raining outside. Barely above 40 degrees! We've been hoping to stroll around our new neighborhood when it stops raining and gets a little warmer. Certainly a perfect weather for a nap, listening to Joe's record collection this evening. We took a moment to take some pictures (videos) of our neighborhood and some updates in the house.
The old built-in hutch in the diningroom with our Fiesta collection.Joe's stereo system/TV/PS3 in the living room. Joe's closet now with most of his clothes.Lastly, a view of our backyard.

1 comment:

  1. Haha, thanks guys! I was so excited to watch the videos! How neat it is to be able to experience the move to the big house with you guys through your blog. I think your place is really really nice. Such a nice quiet neighborhood w/ a big house and big yard. I am jealous. ;-)

    Oh, and thank you for the 'just moved' postcard! Very cute!
