Sunday, June 14, 2009

Not That We Haven't Been Eating....

It's been a while since we posted photos of anything from Joe's grill. Yes, we still eat. Joe's been grilling some awesome stuff on the grill. In fact he just grilled the best ribs yesterday (meat falling off the bones and the zesty BBQ sauce).
In the photo is our dinner table tonight: beef fajita with spanish rice. The bottle of Asahi Super Dry beer happened to make a presence, only because we took a picture to print a Father's Day card for my dad. We are trying to convince him that he can feel right at home with his favorite beer even in the states.
Here's a better picture! Joe with a BIG mug that he picked up at a rummage sale and has been saving for my dad. The mug isn't even full after pouring the whole 21 oz. beer! (F.Y.I. Joe has a set of four mugs. Plenty to have company!)

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