Thursday, June 25, 2009

Chipmunks' Victory

Well... Joe's feeding the critters only works one way. Chipmunks have been very busy packing their cheeks with sunflower seeds and stashing away. They go through seeds so fast that I didn't even know how many times Joe had refilled the feeder already!! And still, they get into Joe's sunflower sprouts whenever the feeder gets empty.
Joe isn't taking any chance with those critters. In the picture are many containers of seeds: lupine, Oriental poppies, Chinese lanterns, chives, cilantro, AND MORE SUNFLOWERS... INSIDE the house. It's just inside from our back door to the stairway to the basement, and that's where Joe keeps the bag of sunflower seeds too. Chipmunks now sit at the back door and bark!!!
Joe said this evening when he was refilling the feeder, a couple of chipmunks came to him and actually ate some seeds off his hand. I'm really hoping I'll eventually get to take pictures of Joe feeding the chipmunks.

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