Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Still Painting!!

Joe just called and said he won't be home for another couple of hours. I have a little time to post some photos.
Nope, we're not done PAINTING... after 17 gallons of primer and, oh another ten gallons of various colors of paint. Here's our little downstair bathroom, freshly painted in a hint of lime color to carry the Mexican chili theme of our kitchen. The photo lacks the brightness of the actual color though. And we love our matching light blue sink and toilet! We still have the big upstair bathroom to tackle. I want to make it very different from this one.... I'm thinking a Japanese Cherry Blossom theme (Bath & Body Works), rich red and silvery grey... exotic, chic, and a bit wild!
Finally here's my studio set-up, a half of our large dining room. I had to fight with our house plants who also want that wonderful sunlight. I might still lose some window-front space to them.
That's it for pictures. Last night we planted a few different kinds of sunflower seeds, hoping our weather guys are right about the warmer temperatures (warmer than 40s at least). We also hope not too many birds and chipmunks get to our seeds!

1 comment:

  1. Your house is coming along so nicely. Good job painting too. Each room looks real nice with the colors. Love your studio space Kayo-chan. Wish I could visit you guys too!
