Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Joe's New Friend, or Not

This is the younger one of the two chipmunks. He (or she) is certainly more curious and adventurous than the old one. And how cute it looks!! But Joe doesn't think so. What looks like a home-made feeder that the previous house owner must have built was way too easy for the chipmunks. They could actually crawl INSIDE the feeder! So Joe pounded nails to close up the gap, wide enough for seeds to come out, but not for the chipmunks to squeeze through. Well, the next day we found the feeder completely EMPTY!!! We couldn't quite figure out how they did it, until we saw one nail out of place. Again, chipmunks won.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I remember the chipmunks I and Yukiyo saw in Hokkaido! We also have some picture feeding them from our bear hands too! they are so small and so cute ;)))
