Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Joe Still Has All His Fingers!!

How is that for a headline? No photos from our 4th of July weekend...we forgot to take our camera with us. I (Kayo) miraculously had a whole weekend off, so we drove down to Ironwood, partly to pick up a hand-down oriental rug from Phil & Judy, and mostly for Joe to experience small town 4th of July celebration. (Bessemer raised over $15,000 for their fireworks!!) Let me just say it was good enough to satisfy Joe as big a firebug as he is.
Anyway, here's a photo of our living room with the rug. On our way to Ironwood, we stopped at the tail end of an estate sale and picked up a dresser for ten bucks. As I type, Joe is in the garage stripping the varnish.
See how the wood grain is already showing. Once re-varnished, it will look very nice.
At last, a little update on Joe's sunflowers. Survivors of chipmunks and wind. They are going to grow very tough!!

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