Saturday, July 29, 2017

Thursday Adventure

After the wet chilly weekend, we've been blessed with beautiful, perfect weather. The extended forecast looked promising. Thursday Joe took a day off with me to go fishing. We packed for Apple Creek. This time we knew the drill. Much smoother trip over all.
Fish, especially rainbow trout, were playful. We could not catch the "Big" ones who are ever so particular, but we caught quite a few fish ranging from 3" up to 10-11". 
Most importantly the river looked stunning. The weather... perfect. No monster fish caught on this trip, but neither of us lost a lure!
We packed pasties and a can of beer for lunch. The best picnic you could have. 
After a wonderful adventure, back to reality, we had to figure out what's for dinner. I'd been wanting potstikers for a while....
Without even trying, our Thursday dinner turned out to be a feast, celebrating our special Thursday.

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