Thursday, July 13, 2017

Last Weekend

Last week our little town celebrated its mining heritage all week. Saturday night's firework display put a great end to it all. The only thing about fireworks this far north in summer is that we have to wait patiently till the sky gets dark enough, which is almost 11pm. Next morning we didn't get up really early, but early enough to go fishing. 
Went to our current usual spot, not as adventurous as Apple Creek (like our last post) but the river continues downstream where Joe hasn't explored. So every time he has been extending his trail to fish further, which involves him swinging his machete like a mad man to break the trail with tall grass and tangling branches. Basically he goes till his arms and hands protest. Sometimes he needs to take game trails (like wild animals) to avoid impenetrable tree stands or fallen trees by the river. That's how he came across these cool cedar trees. I feel like I need to paint them. 
Fishing (or catching) was not the best this day. But it was just as exciting to push our trail further to discover and challenge new holes to fish. At that moment, the size of fish ALMOST doesn't matter. Almost. We hope we donated enough lures this day to the new stretch of the river to offer to our Fish God. Next time, next time.....

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