Monday, September 30, 2013

Fun Detroit Trip

We took a four-day weekend to drive down to Detroit to get Kayo's Japanese passport renewed. Our important mission was accomplished rather smoothly, thanks to the help of Joe's two sisters Anne and Catherine, who are much more familiar with the area. While we were in town, we went to the Detroit Institute of Art. To celebrate the day's success, we treated ourselves to the authentic sushi experience.
Saturday we ventured out to the Renaissance Fair, where we got to see lots of interesting people, or people in interesting costumes. Probably both.
The photo below was the extent of our Renaissance look.
We watched jousting, crazy fire performances, bagpipe music, etc.... The whole experience was quite overwhelming. We were very glad that we took extra days in the big city to have fun and to spend time with Joe's sisters. Only if it weren't so long a trip! 
Today, Monday, we went back to work. Back to normal. After work Joe had to pick his first batch of grapes in the backyard. As I type, he is patiently taking grapes off the stems in his chair. Lots of work before I can make jelly.

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