Sunday, September 15, 2013

Fair Weather Fishermen We Are Not

Today, Sunday, turned out to be a chilly rainy day-off. Knowing some great fishing has happened on a wet day like this, we had to go out and find out. More precisely Kayo wants to taste some fresh salmon roe again. So Joe had to go along in the wet weather and continue on hitting all the fish holes even well after he had determined that not a single fish was going to bite. And even after Kayo hooked his ear and drew blood. Our fish god was not on our side. At least we showed that we were not fair-weather fishermen. Maybe next time it'll pay off. Maybe. 
Last Tuesday was not much better fishing. When Joe came home from work, we ate our dinner of Japanese lunch box style meal on a platter, instead of taking along to the river bank.
The stream was misty and rather pretty. We had a good feeling about fishing at first, but fish didn't cooperate. Oh well.
At the very end Kayo hooked a small rainbow trout, which swallowed a whole hook and wouldn't have survived. It became Kayo's evening snack. It's that feeling of never knowing the outcomes if you didn't go fishing and find out yourself, that keeps us heading to the stream. One more cast, one more hole. Maybe next Tuesday is going to be a better fishing day!!  

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