Monday, September 9, 2013

Fishing Trips

Since we realized that we only had about a month of trout season left, we've been trying to squeeze in as many fishing trips as possible. Last Tuesday we went out after five again. Joe hooked a very nice rainbow trout in the Big Hole. A definite keeper, 14 inches. I had a good feeling about this fishing trip and wanted to try other holes downstream. Then I actually caught a keeper!!  
On Saturday Joe got to go fishing with his cousin Al in the morning. Though they missed some large trout, Joe caught this beautiful 18" Coho salmon. The fall salmon run had just begun, they figured.
Joe grilled the salmon along with potatoes and veggies for dinner when I came home from work Saturday. I was so happy with fresh fish and white rice! That's the moment I know I am a Japanese, while Joe enjoys watching me eat.
Sunday we went back on the river, hoping to encounter a great salmon run like last year. Unfortunately we were in the middle of two weather systems, when fish just don't bite. We saw a few large fish move under water, but none of them came close to lures. Not even crawlers. We gave up and decided to go back on Tuesday again.  

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