Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Taste of Autumn

It's October, and trout season is officially over. The fall color is also all around us. Since we weren't home to go out fishing on Apple Creek one last time this weekend, Joe hit the stream a couple of afternoons last week. He might have missed other much bigger (smarter) fish, but he managed to come home with a very nice salmon or two both days. Tonight we had fresh salmon roe and avocado over rice for dinner. A decadent treat.
Finally a female packed with salmon roe (below). That night we patiently cleaned the roe (lots of work!) and marinated in the sweet soy sauce mixture. Kayo was happy!
Now we get to deal with our grapes. Joe finished stemming all 15 pounds of grapes last night. Tonight he is squeezing the grape juice to be turned into jelly later. It's work, but rather gratifying. That's what you call "priceless," truly the Nature's gift. 

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