Thursday, October 10, 2013

Grapes, Grapes, Grapes!

Since our spring came so late, we were worried that our grapes didn't have a long enough growing season. In contrast, however, Joe picked the most grapes yet ever. Roughly 60 pounds of grapes! And they all turned color at the same time. So Joe picked the grapes, got rid of stems patiently, then boiled and made juice.... While Joe went out to pick some more grapes, I made grape jelly and canned, just to make more room for more juice. Dealing with all the grapes was our night job for the whole week.
All the grapes had been picked, either turned into jelly or juice. Joe ended up using 25 pounds of grapes to make wine. Eventually he filled that huge crock in the below photo most of the way with wine-to-be. After a several days now it's starting to ferment. It smells wonderful!

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