Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halloween Traditions?

Last Friday we went to see our local Vista Theatre production of The Rocky Horror Show... mainly because one of Kayo's coworkers was in it. It's such a different sub-culture genre that we tried to fit in by dressing up a bit and also previewing the movie version. It was definitely an interesting experience. But we had fun. The theatre puts out The Rocky every Halloween season, so it could be our strange but fun tradition....  

Another, more normal, tradition for Halloween is pumpkin carving. Last night we each carved a pumpkin. Tomorrow evening Joe will be home and light our pumpkins for trick-or-treaters.
Happy Halloween to everyone!  


  1. Happy Halloween guys! Nice pumpkins! Is that Mike? :-))

    1. Yes, Mike from Monsters Inc. He just happened because my pumpkin was so round. After the fact I wished I had painted him in lime green.
      Hope girls liked their costumes.
