Saturday, September 29, 2012

Great Salmon Run

Of course, I had to work today... and missed this great day of fishing. Joe got to go to Apple Creek, Dad's favorite, this morning with his cousin and little cousins. If you look really close at the photo above, you should see fish, lots of fish, at the bottom. It's the fall salmon run season, and they really caught it right. A very, very rare experience, even for Joe who's been fishing for many years. Everyone, including the little ones, caught big enough fish. Mix of salmon and brown trout. 
Not only did I miss great fishing, but this weekend was probably the best time for the fall colors, too.
 I admit I'm more for eating the fish, but I only wish I could have felt the salmon hooked on the end of my own fishing line!!
Joe even went back to the same spot in the evening by himself and caught a few more big ones in half an hour. Even when I came home from work after 7:30, he was only half way cleaning and filleting the fish.
Joe did grill a couple of nice smaller fish for dinner. Yummy as always. But the fresh salmon roe drizzled with some soy sauce and chopped green onion over freshly cooked white rice!! Priceless.
Too bad I have to work the next couple of days... I'll be making sushi on my next day off for sure!


  1. うわーイクラだー!すごいねぇ!大漁だし!これだけ釣れたら気持ちがいいだろうね。ジョーさん、グッジョブ。^^

  2. そうそう。初めてこんなに新鮮なイクラを口にして、おいしさに驚いたよ。でもイクラの処理はインターネットで検索してやってみたものの、手間のかかる大変な作業だった。それでもやった甲斐あり。それほどおいしかったよ。
