Thursday, October 4, 2012

Autumn Pleasure

The day after that legendary salmon fishing, Joe and his cousin went back to the same hole, only to catch the great fall colors. There were no salmon to be found... like the previous day was all dream. They concluded it was probably Joe's dad's spirit playing a trick on them.  
Not too worry. We got plenty of salmon and roes. We feasted on salmon roe and avocado over rice this Tuesday. Very decadent. 
On the side was a spicy shrimp-cucumber stir fry dish. (My mom cooks this dish for New Year's osechi cooking.)
Trout season is officially over. Joe and his guys are starting to get ready for deer season next. Before deer get to feed on, I got some nice pumpkins and squash from Joe's uncle. It turned out to be a beautiful autumn season for us. 
P.S. I heard snow is possible this weekend. A pretty normal timing for the first snow up here. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you guys are sick of me telling you this but, oh how do I miss fall! I'm starting to realize fall might be my favorite season. I guess too late now that I live somewhere thats summer all year around. haha Oh, and I love ikura too! Fresh salmon eggs you caught yourself, isn't that amazing!! I love your porch decorated with your pumpkins and squash too, how fall-ish and nice. :-)
