Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dinner Guests

This morning we had a perfect fishing weather... of course, Joe had to go to work. Then 4 o'clock rolled in this afternoon, accompanied by thunder clouds. We had to give up our tentative plan to go fishing... maybe tomorrow.
Our staying home wasn't a total loss. Our Mexican dinner was joined by quite flashy, surprise guests. A pair of Baltimore Orioles were feasting on Joe's cherry trees. They hung around through our dinner and clean-up. Very exciting. Joe was right about hearing their calls the other day. (note: Joe couldn't capture both Orioles. The female is more yellow than the male.) What a heck! While I'm at it (blogging), I'll post some pictures from this weekend. I had to work all three days, so not much excitement, except for what we ate. Joe got loose on his own at a grocery store and picked up a package of squid, a very, very rare find up here. Since we forgot to take "before cooking" and "before eating" pictures, here's an "after" photo of clean plates. Joe did a Thai style stir fry with rice noodle.
For Memorial Day, Joe treated me with his BBQ pork ribs. We remembered to take "before" pictures this time.
Mmm... I love ribs!

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