Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happy Father's Day: Part II

Our Father's Day dinner turned yummy and perfect. We didn't have to worried we wouldn't have enough food for everybody, but we WERE glad to have prepared as much food as we did! Very glad Joe grilled all 20 pounds of the ribs, yes 20 lb, so we got to have some leftovers. I know we keep saying this, but this batch was one of the best, again!! I even put ribbons to tie individual silverware and napkins.
Just before a serious digging began....

Guess what? We failed to document the chaos of our dinner table, which turned rather quiet for a while. A very good indication that everything was tasty. Of course, Joe's mom brought just as enormous dessert (carrot cake with creamcheese frosting AND lemon cream bars) as our dinner. Joe and I are still enjoying leftover dessert, quite happily. It was a wonderful Father's Day... now only if my dad could come here to try Joe's ribs.

1 comment:

  1. oh......that seems like a wonderful father's day. I still not have tried Joe's ribs yet...shame shame.
