Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Fishin' Fever

I don't remember if I mentioned here in our blog..., ever since I missed two LARGE fish one day in this trout season, I've been suffering a bit of fishing fever. Of course, I'm at work when fish are jumping, and I'm off when the weather sucks. Luckily Joe went on a road trip for work the other day and did some fishing (after fixing all copiers). Here's the fish caught in a total surprise, thinking "Joe's supposed to be at work!" A nice German brown.Tonight we had sushi rolls with the leftover fish for no special occasion. Then, we went fishing... again for no apparent reason. We figured Wednesday was a good enough reason!
No action photos... we didn't take our camera, more for good luck. We brought home three respectable fish!
The best of all, I caught this one!! It was not only Wednesday, but the day Kayo caught a keeper. That's something to celebrate about.
P.S. I have to confess right after catching my keeper, I unwillingly donated (lost) my lure to the river bottom.


  1. Congratulations on your catch Kayo-chan. The sushi looks real good. :-)

  2. I like the fish but i like your sweatshirt better, lol!
