Monday, May 24, 2010

Busy in the Garden

So... up here in the North, we had about four days of spring, and jumped into summer! Yesterday the temps were in the 80-90's. Now every thing in the garden has catching up to do. Over the weekend, while we were gone, our grapes noticeably popped their leaves and buds.Some one though was busy and prepared for the speedy spring-summer arrival. Robins have been nesting for the last couple of weeks already, in this half-fallen bird house by the grape vines. Last night Joe decided to put out all his chillipepper and pumpkin plants from indoors. His pumpkins were already blooming!!
Guess who was closely watching Joe's every move, every seed?? Yes, the chipmunk. Here, he's munching (and thinking oh boy, more yummy seeds) while supervising Joe not to miss a hole to bury sunflower seeds.
Lastly, here's Joe with a not so evil but hopeful and confident smile holding a jug of repellent. It's all natural with ingredients like dry blood and garlic extract. It smelled very garlicky to us... we shall see how it really works on chipmunks and bunnies. (Oh yes, we have a couple of big fat bunnies, too.) Well... as of this morning, I didn't see any holes dug up... yet.

1 comment:

  1. Wow the robin eggs are so blue and the chipmunks are sooo cuutteee!! But if they kept ruining my garden, I wouldn't think they're so cute either. hehe Hopefully they'll stay away from your seeds this time. :-)
