Sunday, May 23, 2010

Crooked Tree Debut

This weekend we went to Petoskey to attend a couple of exhibit openings. "North of the Bridge" was the title of the group exhibit at this wonderful community arts center, Crooked Tree. I got to show my new oil paintings and Japan prints in the new, a bit more up scale, location, among with many other U.P. artists. It turned to be a very exciting show, and I feel very honored to be included.
Here're some photos to show the corner of my artwork display.
The three of the four season paintings.
Three of my Japan prints.
Fuzzy, but happy was I that the general public reception on Saturday was much less formal than the previous evening's by-invitation-only social party where they served fancy hors d'oeuvre, including morel mushrooms, and had two small wine bars!!


  1. Nice job Kayo-chan, and beautiful work as always. :-)

  2. I want to see your work more closeup!
