Sunday, May 9, 2010

Yesterday's Adventure

Yesterday we woke up to... this white January weather outside. But we proceeded to head down to Petoskey to drop off my artwork for the exhibit.As it turned out, we didn't have to drive 5 miles from our house before snow levels went down. The rest was a pretty easy ride. We realized this wonderful small community of Petoskey is only half an hour below the bridge. Not bad at all. Still, in case we got really hungry in the car, so I didn't become Joe's lunch, we took sandwiches along. Check this serious creation of Joe's!
We strolled through downtown Petoskey before heading back and enjoyed every little corner, including a neat general store and an ice cream/chocolate shop. We'll be going back in a couple of weeks for my show opening. Now we're looking forward to exploring the town a little more.
On our way back, the sun was out and warm. One couldn't believe it was snowing earlier in the morning. We took a side-track to do some mushrooming. We went back to our usual spot where we celebrate our anniversary. Here's a picture for my mom, who still has a hard time believing we just pick and eat things from nature and not get poisoned. It's hard to imagine how mushrooms grow and even harder to understand how one can spot such a tiny object. Trust me, it's still a mystery to me.
Well, Happy Mother's Day!

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