Sunday, November 1, 2009

Big & Lil' Pumpkins

Ta-daaaaa! Here we were a great pumpkin and a little pumpkin for Halloween. I had to work till 6 in the evening, so Joe was home with the big bowl of candies for trick-or-treaters. Our town had set the time for kids between 4 and 8. Joe said right at 4 o'clock there was a knock on the door. After I got home from work, I got to hand out candies to a half dozen kids. We probably had a total of 30 kids all together by the time we left the house to Joe's niece's birthday dinner, around 6:30. Lucky Joe saved plenty of candies for the upcoming deer season.
And here's the rest of the great pumpkin.
The night before we had dinner guests. Bobbie and Ken-san met many many years ago in Japan and both have had their own lives separately and just several years ago got re-connected and eventually married!! They are a bit like a mirror image of us. We sure hope to be like them when we're in our 70's.
For the first time I set up the table in our dining room (aside from Kayo's studio area) with a whole new set of silverware. Well, why not use what we have?? It was fun setting up. The picture below was our appetizers: spring rolls and pot stickers. I know, I know, I'm making you very jealous. I have no picture of our main course: teriyaki chicken and grilled veggies with rice. I probably shouldn't have mention that, either. Sorry. I just wanted to show how colorful and funky our table was.


  1. Your costumes are great! Love the pumpkin leaves! Can we borrow it next year to put on Charlie and Mugi's head? :-D

    It's okay Kayo-chan. You don't have to apologize for making us all hungry, and jealous of your wonderful dinners. We enjoy seeing all the delicious photos, even if it makes us drool in front of our computers.

  2. This is just a Kayo-chan Table!! It should give the people more surprsing and be a memorable moment. Hand-made products always warm people's heart. I am smiling looking at your photos and dailry in front of my pc.
    Thank you for using the cherry blossom. I am happy to hear that.
    I really enjoy seeing your dinner photos.
