Friday, November 13, 2009

Feeling Much Better...

Our cracked sewer pipe was puttied and bandaged right away (deacon Don, a real plumber, approved), so we only had to avoid using the upstairs bathroom for a day. Although the wall hasn't been put back up, because we both got a little share of that wonderful cold. Yesterday we both were home sick, slightly feverish, achy, with mild headache and soar throat. We just received an instant streaming disc for Joe's PS3 from Netflix, which can retrieve movies online right onto our TV screen. Very cool. Our sick day was saved by Netflix movies. A combo of being a couple of couch potatoes all day and eating my homemade chicken noodle soup did a trick. We felt much better this morning. And I've been trying to ORGANIZE my studio stuff. I have stuff in boxes, scattered between my studio area and the basement. I just can't get inspired enough to create. I know, excuse, excuse..... I also admit I'm not the most organized person either. So, I had Joe's help putting up these basic wall shelves as a starter.
Now my organization skills will be put to test.

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