Friday, October 30, 2009

Gearing for Halloween

Last night Joe carved our pumpkin. We're certainly not going nuts over Halloween, but there are a few things we have to. Since we have a house this year, we are expecting to see some trick-or-treaters in the neighborhood. We just don't know how many. We have a big bowl full of candies ready for tomorrow (I must say Joe's been very good about staying away from the bowl). Unfortunately I have to work till 6 pm tomorrow (Halloween), so I'll miss most of the trick-or-treat actions.This pumpkin face will sit on our front porch tomorrow night, waiting for kids.
Here are our pumpkin leaves that I made (part of our costume, or all our costume). I walked around Michaels during my lunch break to get ideas and materials. Joe says the store is turning me into Martha Stewart. Funny. But I gotta admit that working at the store, I realize there're so many things you can make yourself. This is my extent of sewing. The rest of our costume will be revealed. Stay tuned.
Happy Halloween, everyone! (By the way, what is Halloween in Hawaii like?)


  1. Nice pumpkin and can't wait to see your costumes!

    Halloween in Hawaii is just like anywhere else. People dress up, kids go trick or treating, big parties downtown, except the weather is till in the 70s, 80s. Just imagine having Halloween in mid-summer. hah

  2. can't quite imagine halloween in mid-summer! we expect halloween to be bitter cold up here, even blizzerd. at least this year it was about 40 degrees, not 20s or 30s.
    guess christmas is the same way?

  3. Yup, just imagine Christmas in 80 degree weather. hehe
