Thursday, October 22, 2009

Joe's Coconut!!

At last Joe found a coconut tree (palm)!! He had been looking and hoping for one. He even thought of planting one himself every time he saw a whole coconut at the grocery store. Last night we happened to walk into Lowe's (no specific reason), and there Joe spotted a couple of coconut like plants. I thought he had found a pot of gold or a dead body! He was that excited. He had to get one.Our upstair bathroom is looking more and more like a jungle!


  1. Coconut tree? Is that different from a Palm Tree? Wait, the coconut grown on the bottom inside the pot? I'm confused. hahaha

  2. No a coconut is type of palm tree. The coconut itself (the part we eat)is actually a giant seed. So the coconut palm tree I have is basically seedling. So maybe in 10 or 20 years maybe hopefully I'll have an 8 to 12 foot tall coconut palm tree. However I dont think it will produce coconuts this far north.
