Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Fish God Smiles Upon Joe

Last Saturday Joe got soaked fishing in the rain and only caught a couple of small fish. Fish God rewarded him on Sunday, however. My only complain was that fish were not hitting on spinners at all, but on night crawlers only.
In the first picture is Joe's first 14" brown, right after an 11" rainbow.
Meanwhile I tried many different lures, but fish hardly wanted anything to do with any of them. Then later Joe pulled out another brown, even bigger than the first one, on the crawler. It turned out to be a 16" lake run brown that has come up the river to spawn.
A very nice surprise. She weighed 2 lb. That means salmon are not far behind. With all the fish Joe caught, we had a nice last-minute get-together with a couple of friends who enjoy eating fish as much as I do. I still wished I had caught at least one of the fish on the platter!
Fall is definitely here. Our grapes are starting to take on some color. We are really hoping they will be ready for jelly making before our trip to Japan.
Finally, my logo design is up on the sign for everyone to see. We haven't seen it yet, but it lights up at night, too. Pretty cool.

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