Friday, September 9, 2016

Chasing a Monster Brookie

When another fisherman/ a friend shows you a picture of a big fat 15" brook trout he caught and tells you where the river is, besides the spot is only 5 minutes from your house, you just have to go check it out. Pronto! That's what we did last Sunday afternoon. Carp River is no secret among local fishermen. In places the Carp gets shallow and slow, so naturally Joe was surprised to hear such large healthy brookies exist in the river. Another thing about fishing an unfamiliar spot was to figure out how to access and cross the river, tangled by branches and tall grass, taking uncertain steps.
Aside from catching a few small warm water fish, such as chubs and perch, we thought the best catch of the day might be the cool looking clouds in the sky. Then we actually caught a few brook trout, barely legal sizes. Still, it was nice to see them. Fishing is always fun, but catching makes it even more enjoyable!
It was definitely an adventure, full of unknown, mystery, and anticipation for a big catch.

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