Saturday, September 6, 2014

Good Fishing, Poor Catching

September is the last month of trout season, and the stream is starting to show the signs of coming fall. We've been fishing faithfully whenever we can (the only remedy for trout fever).... So far not much success in catching fish. A tree branch being a memorable catch!
Over the stormy wet Labor Day weekend Joe went fishing 4 days in a row, which was at least rewarded by the 12" rainbow, on the last day. Yesterday after work we packed our dinner and went straight out to the stream again. Though we did not see a single legal size fish, we started our trip with a tasty Kahlua pork sandwich and a slice of decadent velvety chocolate cake (my coworker's birthday cake) in the car.
And as always the beautiful water and woods ALMOST let me forget about my trout fever...almost.

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