Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Evening on Apple Creek

I must be suffering what's called "trout fever." Looking at my work schedule I may be working most weekends in the near future. The stream has just gotten to be more pleasant with few mosquitos, but we only have about a month of trout season left.
Yesterday after Joe got home from work, we went fishing in the evening, racing with the setting sun. Joe saw a couple of large fish, which he suspects might be the beginning of fall salmon/lake trout run. Fish were also jumping for flies everywhere, everywhere but where our lures were. That could only worsen my trout madness/fever. Such an enjoyable frustration!
The main reason for this post, though, was to shout out "I out-fished Joe!" I caught a beautiful 12" brook tout, the only keeper of the day-would-be. We've caught quite a few female brook trout this season, and Joe decided to keep no more brookies this year. I even understand the importance of not overfishing to sustain the future of the native fish, because I love the beauty of fish and their environment as much as the yummy taste of fish.

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