Saturday, August 2, 2014

Improving International Relations

We just hosted a Japanese stranger (sister city delegate) for three nights and had a great time.
The first evening Joe grilled his BBQ ribs and trout. Really, that was the most cooking we did for our guest, other than cooking white Japanese rice for his breakfast. Thank goodness, he brought his instant miso soup and a few condiments.
I joined a couple days of delegation activities as a translator again. I was definitely relieved when we got out of the museum and university tours with so much more to explain and translate! Still, it was a bunch of pretty cool people, so both Joe and I enjoyed the visit.
Our guest and two other delegates (who happened to be somewhat important city officials) left early on Thursday, while 6 others are staying till Monday. Today we went to a casual "sayonara" potluck party. We managed to make gyoza dumplings and Spam musubi to bring, as well as dressing ourselves in yukata for our very first time. We watched a video on how to dress in yukata on YouTube. What would we have done without YueTube?

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