Monday, April 29, 2013

Spring Has Sprung!

Last week we were still doubtful if Spring would ever come. This weekend, however, we almost forgot about the snowy March and April days. As if someone had turned the switch on, one day we had a high temp of almost 70. The whole weekend stayed warm and beautiful. This Saturday also was the first day of trout season. Although we couldn't go out to Joe's usual trout stream due to the snow left in the woods, we got out on the break wall to fish the big lake. No luck catching, but it was very nice to be greeted by the warm sun and the peaceful water.
A good thing we had teriyaki chicken as our dinner plan that day. The weather was too nice not to grill for our northerner standard: our grilling season is officially here, and so as flip-flop season for many even in the 50 degree weather!
Joe and I both had a 3 day weekend. Sunday we drove down to Green Bay to see a stand-up comedy show of John Pinette. Of course, we also visited with the Murphys and enjoyed the warm afternoon on the bay. The show was just as funny as expected with bonus laughs of spontaneity that only a live performance could give. It was a fantastic trip, though short.
While we were gone, a significant amount of snow melted around our house, creating small streams. Joe joked that we could stock some fish. As always Nature amazes us with her magic transforming Winter into Spring like that.

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