Saturday, April 6, 2013

Joe's Auto Repair and Snow

I'm working my normal job all weekend. But poor Joe is working on his ol' Subaru on his days off, fighting with all those parts that had never been off. In technical terms, putting in new struts and wheel bearing (Joe just dreaded at the thoughts). At 5 p.m. he was stuck with one part that wouldn't give... and this was the number 1 of the 4 tires. The end is nowhere in sight.
And the weather is back to winter again this weekend. We woke up this morning to the below photo of white cars. That means the garage is plenty cold. The only bright side is that Joe's not missing nice spring-like weather. At least.
The next photo was taken this Tuesday evening to show how high our snow banks were, and still are.
That same night we had belated St. Pat's Day corned beef and cabbage for dinner. It was certainly a nice change. I don't cook much large meat like that.
Tomorrow will be another day: I'll be working, and Joe stuck with his Subaru that's taken apart. We are also expecting some more snow tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my...still so much snow! The corned beef and cabbage looks so good though. You guys sure know how to eat! Btw, Matt feels your pain Joe. He fixes cars too so he knows what you're working on. However, never in such chilly conditions. So hang in there and hope everything else goes smoothly!
