Monday, April 29, 2013

Spring Has Sprung!

Last week we were still doubtful if Spring would ever come. This weekend, however, we almost forgot about the snowy March and April days. As if someone had turned the switch on, one day we had a high temp of almost 70. The whole weekend stayed warm and beautiful. This Saturday also was the first day of trout season. Although we couldn't go out to Joe's usual trout stream due to the snow left in the woods, we got out on the break wall to fish the big lake. No luck catching, but it was very nice to be greeted by the warm sun and the peaceful water.
A good thing we had teriyaki chicken as our dinner plan that day. The weather was too nice not to grill for our northerner standard: our grilling season is officially here, and so as flip-flop season for many even in the 50 degree weather!
Joe and I both had a 3 day weekend. Sunday we drove down to Green Bay to see a stand-up comedy show of John Pinette. Of course, we also visited with the Murphys and enjoyed the warm afternoon on the bay. The show was just as funny as expected with bonus laughs of spontaneity that only a live performance could give. It was a fantastic trip, though short.
While we were gone, a significant amount of snow melted around our house, creating small streams. Joe joked that we could stock some fish. As always Nature amazes us with her magic transforming Winter into Spring like that.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Mmm... Pot Stickers!

Most always my mom and I talk about food when I call home. What we've had and what we are cooking. Last time I talked to her, she was making pot stickers, which made me want some myself. So yesterday was my pot sticker making day. Joe was very happy about that, too. He loves pot stickers.
On the side we had stir fried veggies, shrimp fried rice, and egg drop soup.
I also froze some pot stickers for later. It always feels safe to have extra ones ready to be pan-fried whenever we have a craving. A very good thing.

P.S. To our friends in Hawaii: We seriously believe you have a perfect weather for grilling now, or even all year!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Tiramisu Cake

Joe says I don't make enough desserts. Well, he couldn't complain this weekend.
I've always wanted to make tiramisu... except it's not easy to find mascarpone cheese and ladyfingers around here. I had come across with a container of mascarpone at our local Italian deli, and a bit of research on line got me a recipe for tiramisu cake (making a simple cake myself instead of using ladyfingers).
This weekend was my working weekend. I hadn't planed on baking the cake at all. But I had a jug of heavy cream that was expiring in the fridge, like on Friday... so I made the cake on Friday evening.
The tiramisu cake needed to rest in the fridge before serving. All that coffee syrup had to get soaked into the sponge cake. So it was Saturday morning when we finally cut into the cake to enjoy. I would definitely make it again for a special occasion, with a bit more coffee/ amaretto syrup for a meaner tiramisu flavor!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Come On, Spring!

Our dinner plan tonight was to tempt Spring with the yummy smell of grilled teriyaki pork and veggies. That sweet, savory, mouth-watering aroma all over in the air as Joe grilled, not quite outside but in the garage with the door half open. At least we had bright sunlight, and the temperatures in the 40's today. I also found the first Vidalia onions at the store. I couldn't help but picking up summer veggies: zucchini and cherry tomatoes. We are really ready for Spring!  
Everything was so good, and I even look forward to the leftover. But if it were for Spring, I would happily share my teriyaki pork. We'll see how tempting the smell of grilled pork was to Spring... as we hear about the snow/ ice/ rain mix forecast for the next few days. 
 After dinner we took a drive, or attempted, to Joe's uncle's camp. Joe wanted to check the amount of snow out there, because Uncle and Aunt were thinking of coming up this weekend. To our surprise, as we drove away from our house (about 17 miles), the snow amount significantly went down. It almost looked like Spring! Although Joe made a good judgment not to take his little Subaru onto the soft slushy snow on the last stretch of the way. Hopefully the warm temps will keep melting what's left of the snow to welcome Uncle and Aunt. They better bring warm weather with them from south!  

Friday, April 12, 2013


The good news is that Joe finally finished putting all four struts and a wheel bearing in his Subaru. I think it was Wednesday evening. Even better, the Subaru doesn't have awful noises in the back anymore. Joe definitely deserves a good beer.
Unfortunately tonight isn't a good night to go out to celebrate. We woke up to  8 inches of snow this morning as shown in the above pic. Another snow day for school kids. And more snow is coming! Although I worked an early shift and am home this afternoon, I don't think I can take a nap. Road crews are busy plowing and sanding the streets-- too loud. At least I'm enjoying a large cup of hot cocoa.
P.P.S. Joe wishes he had been fixing his car in Hawaii... in a t-shirt and shorts!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Joe's Auto Repair and Snow

I'm working my normal job all weekend. But poor Joe is working on his ol' Subaru on his days off, fighting with all those parts that had never been off. In technical terms, putting in new struts and wheel bearing (Joe just dreaded at the thoughts). At 5 p.m. he was stuck with one part that wouldn't give... and this was the number 1 of the 4 tires. The end is nowhere in sight.
And the weather is back to winter again this weekend. We woke up this morning to the below photo of white cars. That means the garage is plenty cold. The only bright side is that Joe's not missing nice spring-like weather. At least.
The next photo was taken this Tuesday evening to show how high our snow banks were, and still are.
That same night we had belated St. Pat's Day corned beef and cabbage for dinner. It was certainly a nice change. I don't cook much large meat like that.
Tomorrow will be another day: I'll be working, and Joe stuck with his Subaru that's taken apart. We are also expecting some more snow tonight.