Thursday, November 24, 2011

Kayo Shot Her First Deer

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
To follow Joe's Thanksgiving tradition, I went along to sit in his deer blind this morning, mostly expecting to see no deer. Just then, past 8 a.m., a little doe came into our sight. I basically froze, trying so hard not to move, or breathe. Finally after a while I figured she was here to stay and eat some more (though I didn't expect her to stay for almost an hour!). Then I reached for our camera to take a shot at the doe. Right, not with a rifle, with a camera. Certainly my very first deer to shoot from the blind.
The funniest thing was that so many times the doe looked right into our direction like she was the one watching us. A strange feeling in the wilderness. One thing is sure: Joe is a better shooter than me... he took the clearer photo below.
That was my half day hunting story... whereas Joe's heavily emphasizes on the truck not running right since last night and his brother Mark locking in the ignition key and Joe breaking his chair. The good news for me is that Joe is sleeping in tomorrow to make me breakfast and to drive me in to work for my Black Friday shift 1:30 -10 p.m.
Happy Turkey Day and good night....

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