Sunday, November 20, 2011

Deer Hunting

It's in the middle of deer season up here. Joe has hunted three days and seen a couple of does and a young buck whose antlers indicates he is not legal size. Still Joe is happy that he's seen more deer this year so far than he had seen in the last two whole seasons.
Yesterday on my day off I got myself up early to go out with Joe to sit in his deer blind. It was a very, very quiet day in the woods. Even critters and birds were not as active as usual. And no deer. Joe got some reading done; I took 2 huge naps, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon.

It started raining in the afternoon and turned to sleet then snow. Maybe 3-4 inches.
This morning Joe slept in, cooked me his famous breakfast, ran his snowblower in our driveway, and is now getting ready to go out hunting in the afternoon. I'm not that crazy. I'll catch up with some cooking and cleaning at home today.

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