Thursday, November 10, 2011

First Snow

It all started... midday yesterday and did not stop snowing hard till early today. Heavy, heavy, wet snow. By the time Joe came home in dark after going out in the woods to feed the deer blinds, almost a foot of snow had accumulated in our driveway. He ran his snowblower then.
I was at work till 7pm and was very glad that Joe called to warn me about the terrible slushy highway and side streets. I came home driving around 25 mph all the way, the last few miles in total dark. Our city had lost power right after I talked to Joe. No electric pot, no electric stove, no microwave. We had cold pork roast and peanut butter and graham crackers for candle-lit dinner.
The power came back on after 4 hours, thank goodness. Hot tea, warm bowls of oatmeal, hot shower, furnace this morning! Oh, and internet connection and phone. Thank you, electricity!
Our plow crew went by again this morning, so Joe blew snow again, while I cleared our front steps. It's the kind of heavy snow that sticks to everything!! It's like that yucky, thick, sugary frosting all over. I really hope this is only for this first snow. I much prefer the fluffy, dusty, feathery snow.
So begins our winter officially up this north. Joe's already gone to work as normal. Today is my last day of 9 consecutive work days before the 3-day weekend off!! I think I'm going to put my snowflake necklace on.


  1. Wooow, check out that snow! Hello winter in Michigan!! Before when I lived in Chicago, I had the confidence to survive a cold winter in MI. But now, I'm not so, I just can't see Matt snowblowing a driveway either. But you know who would totally love it? Maya! She would love playing in the snow!

  2. Yeah, kids had a snow day yesterday quite happily. Most kids and dogs love playing in snow. I'm sure Matt will enjoy playing, minus the work. We all do.
    Joe laughed and said Matt sure will lose some of his tan.
